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Dzhengis Lepesov

Uzbeki Artist


'The Tea Garden in Nukus'

Oil on canvas

12 x 18 in.




Lepesov is an artist who benefited from professional training a Russian art academics while Uzbekistan was still part of the former USSR.  His work has been exhibited at the Savitsky Museum, located in the steppes of Central Asia.

The tradition of building tea gardens perched like tree houses is popular in Uzbekistan, an arid country where winters are bitterly cold and harsh, and the summers dry and treacherously hot. 

This animated scene is loosely rendered through the application of bright tonalities in loose brushwork that minimizes detail and that infused the composition with animated vibrancy.    Lepesov’s expressive use of saturated colors and dappled sunlight contributes to the chromatic intensity of the pictorial surface as well as its highly engaging nature.

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